Thursday, January 10, 2013

Member Testimonial- Joe K.

Our latest member testimonial comes from Joe K., who has lost 140 pounds AND COUNTING!!  CONGRATULATIONS, JOE!  Keep up the great work!  Did you know- Joe is a mechanic and in his spare time he sings and plays the guitar?  He certainly stays busy!

Trainer- Brian Szmigiel

Life at 340 lbs... Seems like a whole lifetime ago, but it was only a couple short years.  I was 23 years old and I was in such bad shape I would go out of my way to avoid being in pictures, or even looking in the mirror.  My health was getting out of control.  One day I made myself take a good long look in the mirror and decided I couldn't continue on like that; it was time to make a change. I feel like every success story has the cliché moment where the person decides her or she"needs to make a change," but it's true, that's how it happens. 

I started with just eating better, because, well I was too out of shape to do anything else, then I added very short walks, that got longer and longer over time.  Eventually running and lifting, then Snap. I couldn't have done it without the support of my friends and Family.  Helping me keep away from temptation while I was still to weak to turn them away on my own.

It's the little things you appreciate the most about getting into shape, like being able to walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded, or being able to easily bend over to tie your shoes.  Life is entirely different; I'm happier, I have more energy, and I'm able to do a lot of things I wasn't able to before.  Here I am now though, 140 lbs later weighing in right at the 200 lb mark.  Still a work in progress but that's what Snap and Brian are for.

Snap Fitness Avon Connecticut
(860) 581-4014

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