Saturday, March 31, 2012

April 4th: National Walking Day!

So, did you know that this Wednesday is National Walking Day, sponsored by the American Heart Association?  Here is some more information on the program, if you are interested in taking part!  It'll be easy for those of working at the club to wear our sneakers to work, but be sure to show your support at your workplace too!  It's a great conversation starter!!
We are absolutely supporting the program!!  Below (click on it to enlarge), is a beginner walking plan created by the American Heart Association.  We have MANY other resources available, so just ask at the front desk during staffed hours, or e-mail us for more information!
You can take a huge step in improving your heart health, just by becoming more active every day.  A great option for you to try here at the club is our easyFIT.  It tracks your activity, and monitors the frequency, intensity, and duration of your activity for you.  The faster you move, the more points it gives you!  It is a great way to see how active you have been all day, and when you set a daily point goal, it will help keep you motivated to take the stairs, or go for that extra walk!!! 
We have them available here at the desk (I am personally addicted to mine), so be sure to ask if you'd like more information about how it works, how it assigns points, and how it tracks your calories burned.  It connects to your personal webpage, so you can track your workouts, your activity, AND your nutrition all in one place!!