Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hello Snap Avon!

I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far!  Tomorrow is Friday and we have a lot going on at the club this come on in and join us! 

Here are this week's club announcements!

1. You might have seen a new face at the club!  Katey Hurley has joined our team of personal trainers, group class instructors, and Snap Fitness Rock Stars as a graduate of UCONN with a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences and she is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer.  Her skills are not only one-one-one personal training (she is perfect for those who prefer a female trainer), but also group fitness instruction so she will be spearheading our recently added 9am classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  She will also be taking on the Yoga Stretch class on Wed evening and Saturday morning ANDDDDD she is going to be teaching the new Silver Sneakers classes ---- which start next week on MONDAY and THURSDAY at 11:30am.  Katey has already received rave reviews from members this week so I hope you will all welcome her as you come into the club. GO KATEY GO!

2.  Calling all people looking for a fun 12 WEEK FITNESS CHALLENGE to keep you motivated and goal oriented!  Brian's Rough-N-Tough Snap Fitness Challenge starts soon so be sure to sign up with Jessica at the front desk to reserve your spot.  Attached is the flyer with more info.  An example of one of the weekly challenges is the "Time Based Relay Event" --- one person from each team performs one of the exercises before handing off the baton to the next person to start their portion of the challenge--- 1 mile run/jog, 3 miles recumbent bike, 120 Bodyweight squats (90 degrees), 100 floor crunches.  The idea is to pick your strongest team member for the applicable exercise, and complete the challenge in the shortest amount of time.  The top 4 teams will win points.  Points will accrue for weekly prizes and then on the GRAND CHALLENGE day, the 12 week mark, you compete for all the GRAND PRIZES! 

Brian has been working hard securing all kinds of prizes for you guys and here are just a few businesses that are just as fired up as we are for this 12 week event (we welcome more!):
Battison's Dry Cleaning
Edible Arrangements
Eastern Mountain Sports
Pasta Co Cafe
Dick's Sporting Good's

3. Snap Fitness Member Brad Seaman is currently hosting Monday night basketball clinics at the club. Check out the shirt he made with the Snap Fitness logo for all the kids (attached)!! He is offering a special "skills and drills" clinic this Saturday from 8:30-12:30pm at the Avon Middle School with former NBA player Adam Harrington for all competitive kids ages 5th grade and up.  If interested contact Brad/Adam at by Friday at 5pm.  Their is $50.

4.  FREEEEEEE Silver Sneakers classes start Monday!!!  So ALL Silver Sneakers members COME ON INTO THE CLUB Mondays and Thursdays at 11:30am and work on that fitness!  All non-Silver Sneakers members are encouraged to come as well.  It would be just a $5 drop in for non-Silver Sneakers members (or $15/month unlimited).

5.  It's officially time for me to start "dialing in" for my Pro show in June in Miami.  I'm starting things off with an Isagenix 9 day deep cleanse to rev up the engines and then it's slow and steady nutritional changes (my training is the SAME intensity year round) for the next 13 weeks.  NO fat burners, NO diuretics, NO double sessions of cardio, NO drugs --- my motto is EAT LEAN TRAIN CLEAN.  Need I say more?  ANYTHING is possible with the right nutrition.  I welcome you to join me for the next 13 weeks (and beyond this is a LIFESTYLE not a DIET) with your own custom nutrition plan that is EASY TO FOLLOW.  Many of you have already done so and have witnessed your own incredible results (MARCIA RUSSO YOU ARE INCREDIBLE with your full pant size loss in one month!).  Email me if you want to ROCK. :)

6.  Our pictures last week didn't load so we are re-attaching them.  Pics are of our front page story in the Avon news, our participation in the O'Hartford 5k run, the NEW Snap Fitness Deepwater Lobster Lunch Menu, and Brian's Rough-N-Tough Fitness Challenge flyer.

7.  As always, thank you for racking your weights and changing your shoes :)  GO SNAP AVON GO!

Have a great week!


Michele Welcome
Snap Fitness Avon, Owner

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