Friday, April 19, 2013

Introducing Jesse's Journey!

Jesse Is On His Way!!

Snap Fitness Avon is excited to announce that Jesse Pellegatto has decided to start a fitness journey with the help of our club!  Jesse has already candidly started blogging about his experience on his new Facebook page entitled “Jesse’s Journey,” which can be found by clicking this link: .  Jesse is not a big fan of working out, so any and all cheers and messages of encouragement will be greatly appreciated by him as he works hard in the club to make fitness part of his lifestyle.  Below is Jesse's first post this week which helps you get to know Jesse a little bit and better understand where he is coming from:

“Hi there, I'm Jesse. I have almost always been a bigger guy. 6'4" and 265lbs is about where I have been for the last few years. I pretty much hate to exercise and like my beer and a good meal. Funny thing is, my wife is a Professional Figure Competitor and has been in the health and nutrition game for over 10 years. They do say opposites attract LOL. As she competes and goes through her inevitable show prep and a more strict diet, I follow along and start eating healthier. I lose a little bit of weight going into a show as well. But once the show was over for me, I always "binge". I am sure anyone who has struggled with staying fit can understand that one. You go along the week, eating well and BAM a surprise party comes for your good friend on a Wednesday. You say, well, it's a party, I'll have a drink or 2 and maybe some cake. Then the next day comes and you think, well, I already blew my diet for the week and hey, it's Thursday, why don't I grab dinner out, oooh, the desert looks great too. Before I know it I am eating big meals, drinks and deserts daily and packing on the pounds. Well, the Yo Yo dieting has got to end. It effects my mental state, obviously my physical state and is basically just a nuisance to live that way. I am sick of feeling like I am at the mercy of my cravings and would like to be on a more even keel. Well, what do you know, my wife just took over SNAP Fitness in Avon CT, so now I have 0 excuses right! That's it, I am going to put my best foot forward and dedicate my energy to a healthier and more muscular self. Follow me on my journey as I Train, Eat (and Complain) my way to a better me!”

As you can see Jesse has committed to making a lifestyle change, and will be working hard in the coming months to improve his health and fitness.  To do so, he will be utilizing both the the 5am-12am access to the club and the personal training staff at Snap Fitness for his workouts.  So far Jesse completed his fitness assessment with head trainer Brian Szmigiel and attended 3 personal training sessions this week with Brian, Tynan Santana, and Katey Hurley.  You can view pictures and his thoughts on his first full week on his Facebook page.  Also on his to-do list is a healthy and nutritious diet that will focus on whole foods, consistency, and plenty of variety.  Jesse will be getting help on meal choices by utilizing the Snap Fitness “Michele Approved” menus at La Trattoria (dinner), The Village Cafe and Bistro (breakfast), Deepwater Seafood (lunch), and coming next week at The Meat House Avon (lunch). Jesse will also be using Isagenix, an all-natural organic solution to overall wellness that addresses nutritional deficiencies and is also backed by SCIENCE.  We are all proud of Jesse for giving Snap Fitness the opportunity to use all of our tools to help him reach is fitness goals.  Stay tuned to both Jesse's Journey on Facebook and how about giving us a "LIKE" on Facebook at as well. 

Snap Fitness Avon Connecticut
(860) 581-4014

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