Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Michele's Weekly Club Update - August 13, 2013

Hellllooo Snap Avon!

It's good to be back in town and to see all of your friendly faces this week.  I look forward to seeing many more as the week goes on!  Time to fill you all in on what's going on at the club.

1.  First things first, as you all know Jess was injured in a recent car accident so she will be unable to teach our Wednesday morning bootcamp classes until further notice.  Please note that boot camp is cancelled tomorrow morning but WILL be on for tomorrow night so be sure to plan accordingly.  We hope Jess gets better soon!  As always boot camp is available Monday and Friday mornings at 6am and Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6pm.

2. MEMBER APPRECIATION BBQ!!!  SAVE THE DATE!!!!  I will be hosting an end of summer member appreciation BASH & OPEN HOUSE here at the club on Saturday September 14 from 11-2pm!  I've got all kinds of fun things planned including lunch catered by The Meat House in Avon, door prizes, hourly demonstrations including FREE injury assessments by Athletic Trainer Anthony Cannavo, a surprise CHALLENGE hosted by our very own Brian Szmigiel, and more!  I'm currently looking for face painters and other kid friendly activities to host during the event so if you or someone you know is capable please reach out.  This is my way of saying THANK YOU to all of you for your loyalty to Snap Avon.  There are other choices in the area but you chose Snap and I love the cool community of people that continues to build here.  GO US GO!

3.  Please join club member Mike Russo as he headlines our monthly club Isagenix party Thursday night at 7pm!  Mike has had an amazing transformation and wants to share how he did it and how Isagenix can change your life from the inside out. This is a MUST for all who have hit a plateau with their fitness goals. 

Today club member Karen Patane posted on our community Facebook Group (SNAPAVON'S Isagenix Rock Stars): "My post today is really talking to any woman post meno or with loved ones dealing with our particular issues at this age. Our weight settles in our bellies and seems impossible to ever see our toes again! Lol. I started isagenix in April, also had my already clean eating tweaked , and my workout style switched out ...my belly is disappearing. My muscles are showing definition, and I believe I will have ab definition in a few months as I already see the uppers .. Ladies this is major! We can be healthy and fit at this age...."

Come learn why!  We really do want to help everyone :)  FYI --- Jess took a picture of my spread in the new Isagenix book that just came out.  Isagenix loves all of our success here at the club!  I was completely surprised and honored this week with being included among other professional athletes in all different sports including NFL football, Olympic athletes, pro wreslers, etc. -- attached is a pic.  

4.  Have you tried the "turbo shaker?" - so I just got back from Las Vegas.  I brought my blender with me for my shakes (yes....I brought a blender...LOL) and I brought a turbo shaker for the airport - never tried it before. I ended up NOT using my blender the entire trip because it worked so well at whipping!  I have them for sale at the club - anyone that travels will LOVE them like I did.  Just had to say something!

5.  BRAND NEW FEATURED LUNCH WRAP on version #2 of the Snap Fitness/Michele Approved lunch menu at the Meat House!  It's the Pec Day Pulled BBQ chicken wrap.  The all natural (and free range) white meat pulled chicken breast has been marinated in chicken stock for tenderness and less BBQ sauce is needed.  It's super healthy in a whole wheat wrap with lettuce and onions.  Try it and let us know on Facebook what you think!!  

6.  Lastly - thank you all for being so great about keeping the club clean.  I think there is only one mystery person that loves to leave heavy weights racked on the machines late at night.  If you are reading this.......please be courteous and rack your weights.  THANKS!

HAVE A GREAT WEEK EVERYONE!!  Next week we announce the winners for Brian's ROUGHT N TOUGH Snap Fitness Challenge.  It's been an exciting 12 weeks watching the teams compete!

*Remember I'm always listening :)

Michele Welcome-Pellegatto, 3x Figure Pro
Snap Fitness Avon, Owner

Friday, August 9, 2013

Party over HERE!!

One of our members, Michael Russo, has recently had some serious success with some adjustments he has made in his nutrition.  In just four months, after adding Isagenix nutrition to his lifestyle, Mike has lost 4 inches in his waist, and has a six-pack that is starting to show through!  His blood pressure has also been lowered, and his acid reflux has completely vanished.  Mike has always eaten real, healthy foods, but adding Isagenix has catapulted his figure into what it is today!

Because of the success that Michael has had with the small changes and additions he has made to his nutrition and lifestyle, he would like to SHARE it with YOU!  Michael will be hosting a party at the club on Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 6 PM.  Stop by if you are interested in learning some tips for living a happier, healthier life!