Thursday, June 27, 2013

Michele Hits the Stage TOMORROW Between 1 and 3 PM!

Our resident figure competitor, Michele Welcome, has arrived in Miami Beach, Florida for the Fitness Universe Show!  She has been working SO HARD all year for this show, so we have put together some information for everyone at home to follow along!

Below you will find the link to the Fitness Universe live feed for the competition tomorrow:

Figure Universe Fri, Jun 28, 1 PM – 3 PM at Colony Theatre
Figure Universe Sat, Jun 29, 5 PM – 6 PM at Colony Theatre

If you haven't been following Michele's journey, you can check it out at the following link:
She also has a blog!

We also wanted to share a quick video that we made for her here at the club - Michele, we are cheering you on!  YOU GO GIRL!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Weekly Club News From Michele - June 18, 2013

Helloooo Snap Avon!

It's another exciting week at Snap Avon and I'm thrilled to see so many faces in the gym despite this time of year typically being a slower time.  Lots of people working on their fitness -- love it!  In a rush and want to get in and get out? Try combining your cardio with your weight workouts.  Come tap any one of us - Jess, Katey, Brian, or myself for some quick tips to get you going.  We are here for YOU!

Now for this week's club news:

1.  Partayyyy at the club Thursday night from 7-8pm! Myself and quite a few Snap Avon rock stars are hosting another Isagenix event full of samples, real life stories that will amaze you (as they have me!), and just a fun time to get to know your fellow Snap Members.  In a nut shell....if you are tired of feeling tired, not recovering from workouts, not losing weight, or just want optimum health, --- or to learn about nutrition as I will also be discussing health/nutrition --- this party is for YOU. Woot Woot!

2. Brian's Challenge is so much fun! Team #4 just reclaimed the lead this week!!  You can check out this week's video of the week:

3. Andddddddddddddddddd..........well, I can't believe Jessica talked me into this, but she and I did a parody of the "Prancercise" craze going on for my own video of the week (I do videos leading up to all my shows - usually exercises that my followers request but, well, you'll see *embarrassing*).  You can watch our ridiculousness here:

4. Interested in the mental side of your workouts?  Jessica just wrote a really great blog post on it that I wanted to share.  You can check it out here:

5.  Snap Fitness could not be more proud of Snap Member Jesse Pellegatto for literally defining what we mean when we call people ROCK STARS at the club ---- after only two months, Jesse is down 20lbs, 5 inches, and officially in the "normal range" instead of being considered "obese." Check out his page documenting his fitness journey and show him some support -- SNAP AVON style :) :) GO JESSE GO!!

6. Have you checked out the Michele Approved grocery list I crated at Shop Rite?  Be sure to send us pictures of you shopping!  It would be awesome to get some testimonials too :)  Here is some more global recognition (on the fitness universe website and not just on their Facebook page):

7. And just a couple housekeeping items: please be sure to rack your weights and wipe down the machines.  It's gross to see sweat marks (ew!)-- and since the facility is open beyond staffed hours, it's important that we all clean up after ourselves to ensure a clean environment.  Let's also be sure to bring a change of shoes on rainy days to keep the mud out as well.

All for now --- have a great week everyone and know that I am ALWAYS listening :)


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Prancercise with Snap Fitness!

Check this out... Jessica is teaching Michele how to PRANCERCISE!!  You are going to laugh... A LOT!!! :) Enjoy!!

Snap Fitness Avon Connecticut
(860) 581-4014


Hellllloooo Snap Avon!

Are you fired up for the week?  I sure am! Lots of fun announcements so let me get right to them:

1. I have collaborated with Shop Rite supermarket in Canton and implemented my very own custom grocery list for the community and especially for all of you to shop with!  Now you can walk in, grab a categorized list, and find all of the Michele ApprovedTM healthy proteins, starches, fruits, veggies, spices, super foods, and more!! Look for the Michele ApprovedTM aisle tags throughout the store to make all items easy to identify!! At Snap Fitness we WALK THE WALK and aren't just about piling in the memberships. We CARE. I am on a mission to make living a healthy lifestyle EASY....and for there to be NO MORE BLAND FOOD DIETS! Spread the word! SNAP AVON and SHOP RITE SUPERMARKET are WHERE IT'S AT! 

2.  Check out the attached picture showing what happened when club member Eleanor came in with her Shop Rite bag!

3.  The Michele ApprovedTM movement (with then addition of the supermarket collaboration) made worldwide news on the Fitness Universe Facebook page -- you can see the story here:

....and for local news, the Patch mentioned us on Sunday on their front page news:

4. Brian's Rough n Tough Snap Fitness challenge has been really exciting for all the participants!  Check out this week's Video of the Week!

5. There will no longer be a Tuesday/Thursday 9AM Total Body Conditioning class due to lack of attendance.  I am completely open to offering another class at a different day/time if there is enough interest.  Email the club and let us know! Grab friends!

6. API brought their line of protein powder, glutamine, creatine, and a pre-workout especially for the club with all of our college students home from break!  Pricing and product info is online at  Products are available for purchase at the club during staffed hours for the same price as the web (minus shipping!). 

7. Please consider a review of the club on the Avon Patch website.  Jess, Katey, Brian, and I would love some support in this competitive environment :)  Click here to provide a review:

8. For your and everyone in the club's safety, please be sure to not let people in the club without their access card.  Thank you!

9.  If you haven't picked up on it yet with all the menus and the shopping list I've implemented, I am a huge advocate of healthy nutrition.  Because I am so passionate about this, I am offering free nutritional consultations AND COACHING where I will provide a custom nutrition program and ongoing support with the Isagenix system that, as a professional athlete, I swear by.  Reach out to the club today to meet one-on-one with me!

10. Lastly, as a friendly reminder, let's be sure to all do our part to keep our club clean.  So on rainy days let's bring a change of shoes so we don't track mud all over the place; and let's also be sure to rack our weights and clean the equipment after use. :)

All for now --- Remember...I'm ALWAYS listening. 


Michele Welcome-Pellegatto, 3x Figure Pro
Snap Fitness Avon, Owner

Snap Fitness Avon Connecticut
(860) 581-4014